Rooibos Tea
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Since 1995 development aid to Wupperthal has come in the form of grants, interest free
loans and donations from various sources. LANOK as implementing agency has been involved
in the management of donor funding for various development projects at Wupperthal.
Among projects that benefited from these were a 4X4 route around the district, a caravan
park, two guesthouses, the revamping of a tea production facility, a hair salon, a library
and information technology centre and a needlework centre.
During 2000 assistance arrived from the chilly climes of Oslo, when the Norwegian
government funded organisation for rural development in emerging countries, NORAD, donated
close to R1 million to various Wupperthal projects.
The money was used
across the development spectrum within the community. Tourism was given a helping hand
with the further upgrading and purchase of additional furniture for the Kloofhuis and
Palmhuisie guesthouses. A community library,
combined with a multi-media centre for the 160 scholars at the local school was
established. The school houses many children from the satellite stations in the mountains
and they normally board there during the term. |
A hair salon and a sewing centre were also set up to add
diversity to the employment opportunities for the inhabitants.
The water reticulation system was repaired and upgraded to help the farmers at the
Martiensrust satellite station, while a broiler house able to accommodate 400 chickens was
built, together with an abattoir. This partially satisfies the community's poultry meat
requirements and provided much needed job opportunities.
Among the projects started recently were a buchu processing plant and a hiker's hut on one
of the trails through the mountains. A German couple who slept in Wupperthal for a night
donated the initial funds for the hiking trail and hut. The hut will be completed as
additional funds become available.